Please call or whatsapp or sms us at Lolita Chuan’s hotline:
+852-6772 0046
providing the following information:
(if you stay in a hotel)
•Name of the hotel you are staying – and preferably address
•Your room number
•The last name, family name, that you registered with the hotel
•Your preferred time & duration of the treartment
(if at your apartment)
•Full and complete address
•Your phone number
•Your preferred time & duration of the treatment
We provide outcall services to most locations in Hong Kong. Our girls shall normally reach you in 30 mins – if down town destination – upon confirmation of all appointment details.
Contact hours: 11:00am – 1:00 am, 7 days a week
We understand the importance of being discreet. Please rest assured that our girls will be in proper attire and they understand the importance of being discreet.
Alternatively you may email us at and we will respond to you within 24 hours.